Our priority is to ensure that all members have equal opportunities to attend the classes of their choice. One of the problems that came to our attention is that about 30% of group workout slots go unused due to no-shows. This prevents members who are eager to attend from securing a spot, affecting the community's overall experience.

No-Show Penalty: Your membership will be deducted by one day for each no-show.

Block Penalty: If you accumulate three no-shows within a month, you won't be able to book any classes for today and the next two days. Any subsequent no-shows within a month will result in the same penalty.

On committing the 3rd No-Show of the month today,

-You will not be able to book Cult Classes for today and the next 2 days

-All your upcoming classes for today and the next 2 days will be cancelled

For instance, if you commit the 3rd No-Show of the month on 3rd August then,

- You will not be able to book a Cult Class on 3rd August, 4th August and 5th August

- Your upcoming classes on 3rd August, 4th August and 5th August will be cancelled

The no-show counter gets reset every month so you won’t be charged a block for more than 2 no-shows of the last month.

The policy comes into effect only if you forget to cancel your booking after the cut-off time more than 2 times in a month. We request your support to cancel your booking in advance so a fellow Cult athlete can work out. Also, if your waitlist is confirmed less than 90 minutes before the class start time, you will not be charged a no-show.

Please note that you can continue to book Cult classes after the block period. Also, while the block impacts the booking of Cult classes, you can still access any of our Cult gyms across the city.